
Sometimes you just need someone to talk to who isn't your mama or your 20-something year old friend.

"Katie offered a mixture of empowerment, growth, and reflection. It was exactly what I needed."

"After a messy breakup, Katie was the perfect listening ear for me to decide what matters most going forward and how to avoid heartbreak in the future."

I would still be with the guy who chose Xbox over me if it wasn't for Katie's help.

Contact me | Motivational And Inspirational Books |

I take all the complicated stuff I've learned from science, psychology and scripture and translate it into easy applicable steps to find your best relationships, find your brave, and be all you are created to be!

I'm not your mama, I'm not your 19-year-old friend, I'm not a therapist, I'm a mentor.

Growing up every couple I knew was divorced. Not surprisingly I chose some very toxic guys in high school and college.

By the grace of God, I met an incredible man and have spent the last 17 years studying what healthy relationships look like from both the Bible and Science (turns out they agree!)

My passion has become to help the next generation of girls to learn what healthy relationships look like, avoid the same mistakes I made and walk into your purpose sooner!

Advice for your 20s Digital course

$75 All my best advice, one place
  • I took 18 years of mentoring experience, dozens of books and seminars and condensed it all into one easy to digest virtual course.
  • We talk about healing from hurt, making a dating plan, Chemistry infatiuation oh my....
  • $$ In all stages of your 20's
  • 17 things I've learned in 17 years of marriage.
  • Jesus, who is he and why does it matter in my 20's
  • Finding your voice and speaking up for what you value

Just one call

$45 one time fee
  • 30 min of whatever you want to chat about! Boys, faith, finding your calling, I'm here for it
  • An unbiased 3rd party to help you see what you can't see in the mirror
  • After you book your first call, follow up calls are discounted!

Six week mentoring

This is my favorite way to mentor. Deep dive to find out where you want to go, and all the tools to help you get there.

  • Bi-weekly 1-hour long Zoom sessions
  • Unlimited Marco Polo conversations between meetings
  • Goals set each week and accountability to get there!


I am forming a team of mentors that all have the Katie stamp of approval and will give you incredible advice and have the same passion to be who they needed when they were younger. Choose your mentor below.

Katie Bulmer

Katie Bulmer

  • 17 yrs mentoring experience
  • Graduate of a faith-based mentoring program
  • Married 19 years
  • Mom of two girls

Jenifer Sartain

Jenifer Sartain is a Jesus-follower, wife of 8 years, mama to her adventurous 4 year old son, and business owner / founder of The Dating Initiative, among other opportunities.
She is passionate about seeing others grow, and loves being a part of that growth through intentional support along the way.
Whether you want someone to challenge you and help you stretch towards life goals, or you’re just looking for someone to listen with empathy and share Godly wisdom and encouragement, Jen is here to help you feel seen, heard, valued and affirmed.
She wants you to know you have someone who believes in you and is praying for you and cheering you on in this season, and she’d be honored to be that person for you.

Robin Ledbetter

Raising her family in a college town has provided opportunities for Robin to mentor college ladies and to be a “home away from home” for the precious girls living in her community.  She loves having small groups of girls over for dinner to chat about anything from faith and career paths to motherhood and marriage.
Robin’s life verse is Romans 8:28, which states “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
She believes that everything she has experienced in life can be used for his purposes and is ready to listen, encourage, pray with you and cheer you on!

Not sure yet?

I'd love to help answer any questions you may have about mentoring. Start the conversation below to see if mentoring is the right fit for you.

General Reach out
I can not wait to meet you

Please reach out to me for podcast interviews, questions, or for anything else. I love hearing from you!

© 2022 Katie Bulmer