Traveling in Your Twenties

Do you want to travel but do not know where to start? If so, this podcast is perfect for you. In this episode, Gennean shares her traveling experience and the lessons she learned. She went to Europe for 4 ½ months, where she visited 13 countries and 35 cities. She then traveled the U.S. for 8 months and ended up back in Europe for 4 more months before going home. Therefore, Gennean is a great go-to for all your traveling needs.

traveling in your twenties

Gennean is based out of Nashville currently, where she is a digital content creator. She is also a travel planner. With that, she designed The Simple Guide to (Solo) Travel. This is filled with digital travel guides and all the help you need to start your trip. Gennean also has a podcast called, Wild Hearts with Gennean. Here, she talks about her faith, traveling, and simple living.

Firstly, how did Gennean get the money to travel for so long? She tackles that obstacle in this podcast. She reveals that she worked 60-70 hours a week to become debt free as well as save money to explore the world. In the podcast, Gennean explains that she kept feeling a tug to travel. Later on, she realized it was God leading her to go. Specifically, she uncovers how much God can move in your life when you are traveling solo.

On top of seeing God in a new way, Gennean also learned more about herself. Her excursion allowed her to become more in tune with her body. She now knows how to listen to what her body needs. For example, when to rest or when to exercise. Gennean’s biggest lesson on the trip was that she is far more capable of things than she thinks. In addition to that, she grew as a person by meeting so many new people and improving in small talk. Lastly, Gennean learned the vastness of God. She understood more about who God is and His characteristics.

Overall, if you are considering traveling, go! Gennean is the prime example to push yourself and go for it. You will grow as a person and in your faith. She can guide you in budgeting, preparing, and specifically where to visit. There is no better time to travel than in your twenties. If you want to see the world, start with these two questions.

  • Why do I want to travel?
  • Where do I want to travel?

These will set you on the right path to planning your trip. If you are still wavering and need some motivation, reach out to Katie. She would love to encourage you and guide you to become the best version of yourself.


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